Tag Archives: green beans

Green Beans…on the grill!

Anyone else overloaded with green beans this year?  We get some variety of beans in our CSA each week and kudos to them for growing a variety of different species.  The problem, my husband is not a big fan.  He will eat them, but finds them boring…so a simple steam or blanch will not cut it on our dinner plates.

I got out my special pan for the grill and threw on some beans lightly seasoned and coated in olive oil over medium high heat for about 3 minutes on each side.  They were a bit charred, which I prefer, but you could of course cook them just until tender.

Beyond the grilling, I still needed to work on enhancing the flavor.  In addition to salt and pepper before grilling, I grated on some lemon zest and parmesan cheese.  From there, a light drizzle of aged balsamic was the perfect sweet contrast to the zest of the lemon and the grilled flavor of the beans.

Green beans were never something I considered for the grill, but I will definitely be adding them to my list of favorite grilled veggies.
